Temporary Management
Appointment of a dedicated Project Leader
The Temporary Management service at La Quinta aims at
the development and commercial management of international markets,
thanks to the appointment of one of our dedicated project leaders.
This formula is particularly advantageous and effective for companies as it ensures:
- High-profile professional skills without the obligations linked to direct hiring;
- A fee of which a large quota is variable and therefore, also based on the type of management, the cost is more variable than fixed;
- The synergy and vision of a network via the manager inserted into our structure;
- Continuity of service, in any case, as our structure and not the individual is made responsible;
- Open-minded unconditioned vision thanks to simultaneous active participation in more than one project;
- Motivation for managers, strongly oriented to the specific project and results;
- The approach of the managers is not conditioned by the company’s everyday operations.